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« Válasz #30 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 13:02:24 »

Are these razors damascus steels, or normal blades?

Please keep us informed! :)

The silversteel 1.2210 is a mono carbon steel and until now the best I found for straight razors. The suminagashi steel is a industrial in Japan produced steel. It have a middle layer from "white paper steel" and 11 outer layers on each side from softer iron. Only the middle layer is hardenable. It is not a damascus steel, it is more a rolled steel, but also very nice and usable.

For forging a real damascus steel I still have not the experience. The blanks I using are from other black smith forged for me. But I hope in 1-2 years I also can do this by my own.

Nem elérhető mry314

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« Válasz #31 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 13:06:14 »
Ok! Thanks Buddel.

I thought, that You make Damascus steel too, because on SRP i saw, that You are learning to work with damascus steel.
(There was a post, where You wrote about it ;))
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« Válasz #32 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 13:46:22 »
It´s right --> still learning  :D Nothing I can do actually by myself. If you want do do this, you need a lot of experience (no I dont have it yet) or a airhammer (I dont have one). Forging damascus only by hand is very difficult and exhausting. The post in the SRP was my first step on the long way to learn forging damascus. I´m still walking...

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« Válasz #33 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 14:12:47 »
I tried Gábor your (my :) ) Fat Bob! Mini, but great! Really unusual design, with still very good balance! The handling is excellent, very nice!!! ... and Fat Bob is very, very sharp! My new favorite is the most beautiful and one of the most useful of the my razors! Thanks your work!  :)
H: Flaschner JP: IWASAKI, TOSUKE, Hishakaku Kamisori Sheffield: F. Reynolds, Wade&Butcher "THE CELEBRATED",  Wostenholm pipe, IXL, Bengall, A.J.Jordan Solingen: Dubl Duck, Rob.Klaas, J.A. Henckels, R. Stehlo, Wacker, Bonsa, Revisor, BlackSmith Herder, RedPoint D: Buddel F: Thiers Issard "Le Canadien" SP: Filarmónica 13 USA: HartSteel, Max S

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« Válasz #34 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 17:34:55 »
I´m really happy to hear this  :)

I honed the razor in the follow way. I used two layer electrical tape. One black and one white. So I can easily see, if the first layer is honed away and replace it. After the grinding I using this machine with a 280 grit waterstone for the first edge:

This saves a lot of time. After that I using a 600 grit DMT Diamont plate, a Aoto (grit 1200 - 2500) japanese water stone, a Thueringer Wasserstein (6000), a Naniwa waterstone (10.000) and a Frankonien (16.000)

After that I stropping the razor on a shell cordovan strop with 1ym diamont paste and 0,3ym chromium oxyd paste (only few strokes), a cordovan strop with nothing and at least at a fine pure cow leather strop.

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« Válasz #35 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 19:21:12 »
Gábor, many thanks for the sharpening and purchasing tips. The sharpening of razors is very important! I use a Norton 4000, then 8000 and finally Spyderco Bench Stone 3 x 8 (Ultra Fine), but interest in this Frankonia (16,000)!  ;)
H: Flaschner JP: IWASAKI, TOSUKE, Hishakaku Kamisori Sheffield: F. Reynolds, Wade&Butcher "THE CELEBRATED",  Wostenholm pipe, IXL, Bengall, A.J.Jordan Solingen: Dubl Duck, Rob.Klaas, J.A. Henckels, R. Stehlo, Wacker, Bonsa, Revisor, BlackSmith Herder, RedPoint D: Buddel F: Thiers Issard "Le Canadien" SP: Filarmónica 13 USA: HartSteel, Max S

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« Válasz #36 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 19:23:52 »
Nice post thanks!

As You used electric tape for honing, this means Fonthunter needs to use it every time if he wants to hone his razor!

Is it right? (On SRP everybody says so...)

Or did you try to hone a taped razor without tape?

Where did You get the Thüringer Stein?
(I already wanted to buy one, but could't find one!)
Vérem, bőröm, bánatom és  bajom!
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Nem pattan az arcom, nem lesz beteg bőröm!
Nem kell szitkozódnom miért van nekem szőröm.
Léber Kálmán

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« Válasz #37 Dátum: 2010. Január 14. - 19:33:20 »
Not, I think he uses this as a razormaker! But the idea with two layer electrical tape is very good!  ;)
H: Flaschner JP: IWASAKI, TOSUKE, Hishakaku Kamisori Sheffield: F. Reynolds, Wade&Butcher "THE CELEBRATED",  Wostenholm pipe, IXL, Bengall, A.J.Jordan Solingen: Dubl Duck, Rob.Klaas, J.A. Henckels, R. Stehlo, Wacker, Bonsa, Revisor, BlackSmith Herder, RedPoint D: Buddel F: Thiers Issard "Le Canadien" SP: Filarmónica 13 USA: HartSteel, Max S

Nem elérhető Buddel

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« Válasz #38 Dátum: 2010. Január 15. - 10:40:55 »
@fonthunter: The frankonien is a good stone in my opinion, but not cheap, hard, very slow, it gives no feedback. So I think it is only for experiencend honers. A beginner will have more fun with a Naniwa 10.000 and the resulsts are also very good with this stone.
But I think, you not need first a finer finisher, you need more a beginnig stone in the range 1.000. I would stronlgy recommend a Aoto natural water stone. With slurry agressiv and approx. 1.000, with water only finer up to 2.000-2.5000. A soft stone with a good feedback. Fast.

@mry314: I using the electrical tape only not to make honewear at the spine. One layer of the tape make the spine approx. 0,1 mm thicker. That is nothing, that have a great consequence on the edge and the angle of the bevel. If you dont want to use this tape, if you want to re-hone the razor, you must only go first on the 1000 stone. So you can make a new bevel like you want it.
If you only want to use stones wit a grit from 3000 or higher I recommend to hone it also with the electrical tape.

@all: here are the pic from the razor blanks from the forging day:

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« Válasz #39 Dátum: 2010. Január 15. - 10:56:14 »
@all: here are the pic from the razor blanks from the forging day:

Great! I am curious of what the final result will be, please inform us!

Nem elérhető mry314

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« Válasz #40 Dátum: 2010. Január 15. - 11:21:28 »
Thanks&nice work!  ;D
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Léber Kálmán

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« Válasz #41 Dátum: 2010. Január 15. - 11:23:16 »
Thanks Buddel, You're right!  ;) My Spyderco Bench Stone UF  is almost equal to the Frankonien, therefore, - as you suggest - I will take one Japanese Natural Waterstone Aoto from Dick!
H: Flaschner JP: IWASAKI, TOSUKE, Hishakaku Kamisori Sheffield: F. Reynolds, Wade&Butcher "THE CELEBRATED",  Wostenholm pipe, IXL, Bengall, A.J.Jordan Solingen: Dubl Duck, Rob.Klaas, J.A. Henckels, R. Stehlo, Wacker, Bonsa, Revisor, BlackSmith Herder, RedPoint D: Buddel F: Thiers Issard "Le Canadien" SP: Filarmónica 13 USA: HartSteel, Max S

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« Válasz #42 Dátum: 2010. Február 21. - 18:15:49 »
Elkeszult a 8/8-as Zwilling Friodur-omhoz a Buddel-fele nyel  ;D

Eredetileg az USA-bol terveztem megvenni a penget, de az alap nyel sokak szerint sok sebbol verzik, a custom nyelek, meg nem tetszettek. Hosszu agyalas utan megkerdeztem Gabort, hogy tudna-e nekem ehhez a pengehez nyelet faragni. Kiderult, hogy nemcsak nyelet, de a penget is be tudja szerezni, nem mellekessen joval az amerikai ar alatt. Eredetileg szaru nyel lett volna mas formaval, de mivel az alapanyag beszerzese miatt sokat kellett volna varni, mas forma es anyag mellett dontottunk. A kepek alapjan nem bantam meg  ;)

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« Válasz #43 Dátum: 2010. Február 21. - 18:38:23 »
Hú, komoly! Gratulálok! Így tényleg minden tekintetben jobban jártál! Ez milyen fa, ében?

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« Válasz #44 Dátum: 2010. Február 21. - 18:41:59 »
Amennyiben az ebony az anyagra is ertendo, nem csak a szinre, akkor igen, ebenfa  :D

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