Igen, ápr.3-ig kellene válaszolnia az eladónak. Ha ezt nem teszi, akkor újra jelentkezem az ebay-nél.
Gondolom valaki rákérdez majd, hogy mi is a gond, mert a bejelentésnél nemigen lehetett részletezni a dolgot.
Hozzátartozik az igazsághoz, hogy mikor írtam az eladónak (vagyis reagáltam a válaszlevelére), kissé nyersen fogalmaztam.
Erre azt írta, hogy mivel durvát szóltam, az esetleges negatív feedback-emet törölni fogják.. nos, én nem gondolnám, hogy ez a bizonyos szöveg, amiben az "fck" "mozaikszó" olvasható, erre okot adna. Szerintetek?
A beszélgetés eddig így hangzott:
-Hi! I've just received my omega 20102 brush, and I'm quite disappointed. Is this a replica, or what?
Have you seen that huge joint gap between the plastic and the wooden knob? I have.
Have you seen the Omega logo on the brush? I haven't. It does not look like that brush on the photo.
It seems more like it's synthetic, not boar.
What do you say? Do you want photos, or you know exactly, what I'm talking about?
-OMEGA brush is fully consistent with the description.
Items may be returned within 30 days for a full refund. Please return with all tags and/or original packaging intact. Buyer is responsible for return postage costs unless item is faulty or otherwise incorrect.
>küldtek neki képet<
-I did not send you this brush as pictured
-?? Why would I fck my brush up if I already paid for it?
I can't fix it with my bare hand, and I'm not that weak. So you HAD TO send this brush to me in this state, because in the package it could not suffer such force!
>újra én, próbálva máshogy megközelíteni -hiba volt< (...) I received this brush in this state of being.. I saw that you have positive feedback, and I've read in different online forums that several people have ordered brushes from you. So I tend to believe you when you say that the brush was all right when you packed it (the lack of the "omega" logo is not a problem). But please belive me when I say that it looked like this, when I opened the package! Everybody can say that "I tell the truth".. but I'm really that guy who hate to lie. I hope that we can do some agreement. If we can't, I'll use this brush in this bad shape in a notsosunny mood, and because I like to tell the truth, I'll have to give you a negative feedback with a detailed explanation.
-are you trying to extort money, offensive content have been reported to ebay, your potential negative feedback will be removed
-I dont want to extort money. I WORK for money. I wanted to extort an omega brush for my money, but I see that you haved me on. Of course, negative feedback will go. If they remove it, I don't care. But I will do my best to tell wet shavers in Hungary that you're a swindler. bye