Szerző Téma: Topic in english language  (Megtekintve 48766 alkalommal)

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Topic in english language
« Dátum: 2018. Január 14. - 21:31:26 »
Úgy látom, moderátori jogosultsággal nem lehet a legfelső szinten topikot létrehozni, ezért egyelőre itt a hely.

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2018. Január 14. - 21:46:51 »
Sooo... free for all :D
... a nyúlon túl?

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2018. Január 15. - 07:56:26 »
Hello everyone and welcome to this forum and Hungary. As someone who is new to Hungary and their products I`m very happy to have this topic where we can share know how, ideas, shopping places and etc.

So you are new to Hungary, not sure where to find and what are Hungarian wet shaving products? Dont look more, you are at right place.

Where to find blades?
DM drogerie - Wilkinson classic (both razor and blades) + Gillette platinum
Rossmann - Wilkinson classic (both razor and blades) + Gillette platinum + Isana blades
Thanks to member Black (can someone please translate this few lines of Hungarian):

Lord Super Chrome (Goods Market, Vianni, Eurós, egyéb háztartási és illatszer bolt)
Lord Platinum (passz, csak lépcsőházi lerakatban futottam bele)
Lord Super Stainless (Goods Market, Vianni, Eurós, egyéb háztartási és illatszer bolt)
Zölt Astra - Astra Platinum (Goods Market, Vianni, Eurós, egyéb háztartási és illatszer bolt)
Kék Astra - Astra Stainless vagy mi (Goods Market, Vianni, Eurós, egyéb háztartási és illatszer bolt)
Gillette Platinum (tesco, DM, talán más nagyobb boltok.)
Wilkinson (DM, Goods Market, Vianni, Eurós, egyéb háztartási és illatszer bolt)

If you want to try some of the Lord blades or razoz, you can order them online from distributor and either pick them in the warehouse or ask for delivery. Minimum order is 1000 HUF (roughly 3,3 euro) and they are super friendly and helpful.

What are traditional Hungarian shaving products?
As I know there are two most famous ones, or at least they told me before I came here:
Barbon and Figaro, both shaving cream and after shave made by Caola

I will really appreciate to know more about
- Local products
- Natural cosmetic, specially shaving soap and after shave / balms
- Good and local brush makers in Budapest
- Where the locals are going for shaving ? What is the best barber shop in town?

Thank you for reading and I hope that this will be useful for someone :)

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2018. Január 15. - 08:37:32 »
As far as I know, Balatoni and Cinke are good Hungarian handmade shaving soaps, they can be ordered from their websites. You can order Cinke after shave balm too. Adam's is a Hungarian brand, they make shaving creams and after shaves and after shave balms. They smell good and very cheap. You can buy'em from Enker and Euro Shops. There is a french company named Bradoline. They produce their products here in Hungary. They make Alex after shaves and after shave balms and Bond after shaves. You can buy it from Tesco, DM, West and in Christmas time in Spar in packs.

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2018. Január 15. - 09:00:47 »
If you're shopping for blades in Budapest, besides the obvious online option, cheap stores are a better bet than the omnipresent dm&rossmann (and müller, may I add) chains. I think those only carry Wilkinsons and terrible rebranded pieces of steel.

Most One Euro Market and DDA stores carry Astra or Lord blades, but the availability varies by store.
Small, independent stores might carry various Gillettes. A few cutlery and brush stores carry Mühle and Derby blades but at quite high prices.
The more run-down the store looks, the better your chances to get blades are. You need to ask for the blades, as they might not be on display.
My own experience is that the availability varies quite wildly. A certain blade you'd bought may not be found at the same store a month later but may pop up weeks after - or never again. Unfortunately I'm yet to find a store with a consistent and wide variety of DE blades.

Black listed a few stores in which the mentioned blade could be found. The information might be obsolete, as I've never seen Gillettes in the fancier stores.

As to local brush making, you may seek member szekelya or visit a small store, 1001 Kefe, in District VII. They are said to make affordable boar brushes occassionally.

Barbon and Figaró are indeed traditional, generations old product lines - complete with an aftershave splash - and work just fine. The screw-on caps of the creams are notoriously flimsy, though. Don't ever try tightening them.
Neither their packaging, nor their scent has changed. Both are heartwarmingly old-school and completely out of vogue. This is how generations of Hungarian grandpas like them.

There's a very well received artisanal soap brand "Cinke major" ("Tit manor" - but it's the bird, perv!) offering a wide selection of high quality scented shaving soaps and balms. Their products deserve recognition.

There's a growing number of specialized barber shops, but I'm not qualified to assess their services since I shave in my bathroom.

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2018. Január 15. - 18:19:00 »
Hehe, cheers for featuring my brushmaking hobby in this post.
Also you write with the same witty style in English as in Hungarian.
Kudos to Sparki as well who turned into a valuable information source in the topic that was created to help... him. :)
"I mustache you a question but i'll shave it for later."-- Sean Connery

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2018. Január 15. - 18:26:53 »
As for barbershops, there are many fancy ones, both in shopping malls and downtown. I've visited three different ones, and don't get me wrong, each of these were a great experience, including haircuts or better said in my case quick alignments, but I'd say all of us hete on this forum including you shave better home alone than the one-pass shavette-shaves you get in these shops.
"I mustache you a question but i'll shave it for later."-- Sean Connery

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2018. Január 16. - 23:15:25 »
Thank you for adding such a valuable information.

I checked some small stores, some ABC, "Chinese" ones and if they have razor blades they are mostly Wilkinson. Only in one store, from almost 10, I found Astra blades and Lord razor.

In a few days, I will try some of the Barbon products (Retro week in Penny = discount ;) ).

And I will for sure try Cinke (Benke Erika as I see a lot of good comments on the forum (google translate).

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2018. Január 17. - 00:17:18 »
Sparki, can I ask where you are from?

"Minden ember akkora, amekkora dolgok feldühítik." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2018. Január 17. - 09:59:58 »
Gregg, of course, that you can ask, it's not a secret. I`m actually your neighbour, I`m from Nis city on the south of Serbia. And if there are some Serbian shaving products or some other products that can be obtained there be free to ask for them. In the first week of March, I will have some shipment with Palmira and Arko shaving soaps and some other things.

Nem elérhető gregg

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2018. Január 17. - 10:53:18 »
Thanks for your answer.

"Minden ember akkora, amekkora dolgok feldühítik." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2018. Január 19. - 16:51:48 »
Hello again,

I wanted to ask you, do you have some gatherings/meetings?
I would like to meet some "shavers" to hear from them how they are doing, grab some :sör: or  :bor: or  :kv2: .

Nem elérhető rty42

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #12 Dátum: 2018. Január 19. - 19:47:10 »
there used to be.. but hasn't been for a while  :(
... a nyúlon túl?

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #13 Dátum: 2018. Január 24. - 10:36:37 »
Hello everyone and its me again with some silly question.

Where can I find a witch hazel?
Is there some pharmacy or somewhere else that I can just go and pick it up. And one more thing is, what is a translation of it? If I go to some pharmacy what I need to ask for? I tried with google translate and ladies looked at me quite weird...

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Re:Topic in english language
« Válasz #14 Dátum: 2018. Január 24. - 11:17:25 »
Hello everyone and its me again with some silly question.

Where can I find a witch hazel?
Is there some pharmacy or somewhere else that I can just go and pick it up. And one more thing is, what is a translation of it? If I go to some pharmacy what I need to ask for? I tried with google translate and ladies looked at me quite weird...
Hungarian name is nagylevelű csodamogyoró. But probably they won't know what's it.  :naughty: :)
However, you'd ask it as hamamelis.
Gillette Tech 1951

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